티스토리 뷰
디스커버리채널에서 만든 <체르노빌 전투(The battle of Chernobyl)>는 원자력발전소의 무서움을 적나라하게 살펴볼 수 있는 다큐멘터리입니다. 이 다큐멘터리를 무료로 볼 수 있는 방법은 두가지가 있습니다. 하나는 탑다큐멘터리필름(topdocumentaryfilms.com)에서 보실 수 있고, 한글자막이 있는 동영상을 유투브에서도 보실 수 있습니다. 아래에 링크를 소개합니다.
* 탑다큐멘터리필름
* 디스커버리 채널 <체르노빌 전투>사이트
체르노빌 원자력 발전소 사고(우크라이나어: Чорнобильська катастрофа) 또는 체르노빌 사고(영어: Chernobyl disaster)는 1986년 4월 26일 1시 24분(모스크바 기준 시간)에 소련(현재 우크라이나)의 체르노빌 원자력 발전소에서 발생한 폭발에 의한 방사능 누출 사고를 말한다. 이 사고로 발전소에서 누출된 방사성 강하물이 우크라이나와 벨라루스, 러시아 등에 떨어져 심각한 방사능 오염을 초래했다. 사고 후 소련 정부의 대응 지연에 따라 피해가 광범위화되어 사상 최악의 원자력 사고 가운데 하나가 되었다.
* 탑다큐멘터리필름
* 한글자막이 있는 youtube동영상
체르노빌 원전사고 다큐멘터리 DivX AC3 part1 (1/3)
체르노빌 원전사고 다큐멘터리 DivX AC3 part2 (2/3)
체르노빌 원전사고 다큐멘터리 DivX AC3 part3 (3/3)
* 디스커버리 채널 <체르노빌 전투>사이트
The accident that occurred at Chernobyl on 26th April 1986 was the most disastrous reactor malfunction in the history of nuclear power.
56 people died immediately following the accident and substantial amounts of radioactive material were released into the atmosphere. This contaminated not only the Ukrainian town nearby and surrounding regions but it also spread across western Europe and eventually around the globe. Hundreds of thousands of people had to be evacuated from the region and to date approximately 4,000 have died from the long-term effects of radiation poisoning.
Thursday 26th April 1986 became a momentous date in modern history, when one of the reactors at the Chernobyl nuclear power station in northern Ukraine, exploded. It was the most significant reactor failure in the history of nuclear power, a Maximum Credible Accident (MCA).
The plant, just 20 km away from the town centre, was made up of four reactor units each generating an output of 1,000 megawatts. The reactor in question exploded due to operational errors and inadequate safety measures and the meltdown was directly linked to routine testing on the reactor unit’s turbine generators. The test required reactor activity and the thermal reactor output to be run down to a lower level. During the procedure, however, the reactor plummeted to an unexpectedly low and unstable level of activity. At this point, it should have been shut down; as the operators chose to continue with the test, the events subsequently proved to be catastrophic.
More than 200 people died or were seriously injured by radiation exposure immediately after the explosion. 161,000 people had to be evacuated from a 30 kilometre radius of the reactor and 25,000 square km of land were contaminated. As time went on millions of people suffered radiation related health problems such as leukaemia and thyroid cancer and around 4,000 people have died as a result of the long-term effects of the accident.
The Chernobyl disaster brought the ongoing discussion of the pros and cons of nuclear power to the forefront of public attention. Critics saw the reactor failure as dramatic and alarming evidence to support their anti-nuclear stance. Advocates of nuclear power insisted that the fragile Chernobyl reactor was an outdated model, and that the plants of Western Europe and the US demonstrated a vastly improved safety culture thanks to their more advanced technology.
These conflicting assessments of the accident have led to extensive research into nuclear safety standards and the disposal of radioactive fuel elements. Today, the fundamental issues surrounding the benefits and risks of nuclear energy and its future role in power generation continue to be hotly debated.

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